The main functions of protective clothing
The main functions of protective clothing
Published Time : 2013.8.20

The main functions of protective clothing, includes two aspects:
    One is to protect the body from the outside and inside of pollution. The main external pollution such as dust, soot and industrial gas and

dust, which requires protective clothing has the function of these things out to the skin. If invaded, tarnished skin, insist to be washed. At the same time, the protective clothing should also with the outside world pathogenic microorganism or pathogenic microorganisms are not intrusive, or the performance of the best can kill on the surface. Protective clothing is mainly due to the internal pollution skin sweat, sebum secretion, fall off the surface of the skin cells and other dirt. Therefore, underwear should has the ability of adsorption of these dirt, and can be easy to washing to remove and cleaning.
    Three is to be suitable for the activities of the body. In certain circumstances, protective clothing should have external mechanical forces and the harm of harmful drugs, radiation and so on. Protective clothing pattern should not interfere with the activities for the principle. To consider from the Angle of physical activity, health of protective clothing should also has the flexibility, scalability, light weight, compression elasticity, hardness, tensile strength, buckling and crease resistance, etc.

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